ICUP 2025 Topics of interest
Main subtopics for the ICUP2025 Conference, defined in the first phase, include, but are not limited to:
- 1. Monitoring, Evaluation and Urban data
- 2. Trending in Architecture – Towards a Sustainable Future
- 3. Planning and Management of Public Spaces
- 4. Education of Future Experts Creating for Humanity
- 5. Youth as Drivers of Innovation for Cities of the Future
The conference is organized by the Urban Planning Cluster as the main organizer, and the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Niš, the Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš, the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade and the Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade and the Science and Technology Park Niš as co- organizers.
The official language of the Conference is English. All submitted papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed. The Scientific Committee of the 5th International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2025 is composed of internationally recognized academicians practicing in Europe and Asia.
Original research papers that have been peer-reviewed and accepted by the Scientific Program Committee will be published in the ISSN-numbered Conference Proceedings.
One person can submit 3 papers max.

Important Dates
21st October 2024 - Abstract submissions - 21st November 2024 - Abstract submissions deadline extended
- 21st November 2024 - Response to abstracts
21st January 2025 - Abstract submissions - 21st February 2025 - Paper submissions deadline extended
- 21st February 2025 - Sending of reviewers' comments
- 07th March 2025 - Final paper submissions
Date of the 5th International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2025 10 – 11 April 2025 (Thursday and Friday) at Science and Technology Park in Niš (NTP), Serbia.
So far confirmed keynote speakers at the ICUP2025 Conference are:

Claudia van der Laag-Yamu, PhD, Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University
Claudia van der Laag-Yamu (aka Claudia Yamu) is an architect and urban planner. She holds a chaired professorship at Oslo Metropolitan University. Van der Laag-Yamu is an expert on transport and land use planning including people's behaviour in cities applying a wide range of analytical techniques including method and tool development at the forefront of virtual modelling. As a former project consultant, she excels in combining theoretical innovations with practice-oriented solutions and has been involved in numerous international projects. Claudia was awarded the prestigious Michael Breheny Prize in 2015 for her work on multiscale, multifractal urban planning models. She is the co-author of the Space Syntax textbook «Introduction to Space Syntax in Urban Studies», editorial board member for Springer’s The Urban Book Series and associate editor for the Taylor & Francis journal Sustainable Communities.

Jose Pinto Duarte, Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University, Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
José P. Duarte earned a professional degree in Architecture from TU Lisbon and a Master’s and PhD degrees in Design and Computation from MIT. Currently, Dr. Duarte is the Stuckeman Chair in Design Innovation and director of the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing at Penn State, where he is a Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Affiliate Professor of Architectural Engineering and Engineering Design. He was co-founder of the Penn State Additive Construction Laboratory (AddCon Lab) and X-Hab 3D, where he is the Lead for Digital Architecture and BIM. His research interests are in the use of computation to support context-sensitive design at different scales. At the urban scale, his research applies AI concepts to support the design of smart cities. He was the team leader for City Induction, a research project aimed at developing a computational framework to support urban planning and design. He co-edited (with Branko Kolarevic) the book "Mass Customization and Design Democracy" (Routledge, NY, 2019) and his team was awarded 2nd place in the finals of the "NASA 3D Printed Mars Habitat Challenge, Phase 3: On-Site Habitat Competition.

Wendy Tan, PhD, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Business at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in Bergen, Norway
Dr. ir. Wendy Tan is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Business, Department of Civil Engineering, at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in Bergen, Norway. Additionally, she is a senior researcher and lecturer at the Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning chair of the Environmental Sciences Group at Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands. She also serves as the research coordinator for the Foundation of Managing Public Space. Dr. Tan's research expertise and interests focus on the implementation of land use and transport integration, mobility issues, and the institutional perspective in planning processes in Europe, America, and Southeast Asia. From 2010-2014, she served as a board member of the Megacities Foundation. She received the Georges Allaert Prize in 2014 for her research contributions to mobility and spatial planning in society. Dr. Tan is also a member of the AESOP transportation thematic group and part of the international advisory board of the journal Urban Policy and Research.

Ali A. Alraouf, PhD, Head of CB, Development, CB and Research Unit-QNMP, Research and Training, Ministry of Urban Planning, Doha, Qatar
Prof. Alraouf is an architect and urban planner interested in research and practice related to architectural, urban, sustainable design, and holistic planning. He was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley-USA. He currently acts as head of the Capacity Building, training, research, and development unit at the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME). He is also the leader of the Green Urbanism and Planning Group at Qatar Green Building Council.

Ognen Marina, PhD, Director of Center for Advanced and Postdoctoral Research – CAPRIS Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia
rofessor Dr. Ognen Marina is an architect and holds PhD in Architecture and Urbanism. From 2027 to 2025 he was the Dean of Faculty of Architecture, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, North Macedonia and since 2023 he is the Director of Center for Advanced and Postdoctoral Research – CAPRIS UKIM in Skopje. From 2013 -2017 he was the Head of the Institute for Building Technologies at Faculty of Architecture, UKIM in Skopje. Dr. Ognen Marina is a certified architect at Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers of Macedonia. Dr. Marina earned his PhD in Architecture and Urbanism at “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje in 2010 with his dissertation focused on analysis and modelling of architecture and urban systems, algorithms for form generating and interactive visualization of data. In 2002 he was a Faculty Research Associate at the College of Architectural and Environmental Design at Arizona State University, USA. His main field of interest is development and implementation of novel strategies in architecture and sustainable urban development. He is particularly interested in use of IT in research of complex models of urban form, modelling processes of urban transformation and urban innovation through hybridization in the context of transitional societies. He was also a coordinator and member of several Horizon 2020 Programme and Horizon Europe research projects and scientific networks exploring the new social challenges of the urban environment and developing digital tools for spatial analysis of urban change. Dr. Marina is the author and co-author of numerous books, book chapters, scientific papers and research studies.
Conference Fee Payment
Registration fee – early 100 EUR/ regular 200 EUR
(PhD students) – early 50 EUR/ regular 100 EUR
Early registration until 1st March 2025
*Participants from the co-organizing institutions are free of paying fee for the Conference
The Conference fee includes admission to the Conference sessions, Conference Proceedings, promotional material and cocktail during the Conference.
Accommodation, travel expenses and gala dinner are not included in the conference fee.
Authors who has received the proof of the paper acceptance will receive the invoice for the Conference fee by email.
Conference fee payment deadline: 1st April 2025
Payment Details
Conference fee payment method is only via bank transfer. Please note that your payment needs to include all bank and transfer costs.
The data for the bank transfer is:
*For domestic participants in RSD -
Click here
Komercijalna banka a.d. Beograd
Nova železnička kolonija 10/II/14, 18000 Niš
Acc. No: 205-225315-39
With remarks: 4ICUP
*For foreign participants payment in EUR -
Click here
*For foreign participants payment in USD -
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Scientific Program Committee
- Mladen Šoškić, PhD, Chairman, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade
- Slaviša Kondić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Vojislav Nikolić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Milan Tanić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Milena Dinić Branković, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Milica Igić, PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Aleksandra Mirić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Aleksandar Keković, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Goran Jovanović, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Vuk Milošević, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Jasmina Tamburić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Katarina Medar, PhD student, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Milan Brzakovic, PhD student, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Slaviša Trajković, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Marko Nikolić, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Ljiljana Vasilevska, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Miomir Vasov, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Ivana Bogdanović-Protić, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Milica Ljubenović, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Jelena Đekić, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Mirko Stanimirović, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Branislava Stoiljković, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Danica Stanković, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Milan Randjelović, PhD, Science technology park Niš
- Sonja Lakić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Sebnem Hoskara, PhD, Urban Research and Development Center (URDC) Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Famagusta, North Cyprus
- Michal Chodorowski, PhD, University of Technology, Bialystok, Poland
- Željko Cvijetinović, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade
- Marko Pejić, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade
- Nenad Višnjevac, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade
- Milutin Pejović, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade
- Vladimir Lojanica, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade
- Ana Nikezić, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade
- Jelena Živković, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade
- Biserka Mitrović, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade
- Dragana Radenković Jocić, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš
- Vladislav Marjanović, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš
- Jelena Stanković, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš
- Velimir Šećerov, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade
- Zora Živanović, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade
- Marija Jeftić, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade
- Dejan Filipović, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade
- Branka Tošić, PhD, Full Professor, Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade
- Siniša Trkulja, PhD in spatial planning, Agency for Spatial and Urban Planning of the Republic of Serbia
- Ali A. Alraouf, PhD, Prof. of Architecture and Urbanism, Head of Research and Development Urban Planning Dept. Doha, Qatar
- Claudia Van der Laag, Professor of Urban Analytics, Oslo Metropolitan University
- Todor Stojanovski, PhD, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- Jose Pinto Duarte, Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University, Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
- Wendy Tan, PhD, Land Use Planning Chair, Environmental Sciences Group Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
- Zorica Nedović-Budić, PhD, Professor Emerita, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, Visiting professor, University College Dublin
- Wen Jiang, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, China
- Syafiqah Nazurah Binti Mukhtar, PhD, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Malaya
- Philipp Ulbrich, Research Associate, Urban Big Data Centre, Urban Studies, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow
- Aida Nayer, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, French University of Egypt
Organizing Committee
- Senka Joković, Chairman, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Miljana Ignjatović, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Slaviša Kondić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Tanja Obradović, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure
- Vojislav Nikolić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster
- Aleksandra Mirić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster
- Milica Igić, PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Jasmina Tamburić, PhD, Urban Planning Cluster, Serbia
- Marija Marinković, Urban Planning Cluster
- Anđela Stevčić, PhD student, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Vukašin Stefanović, PhD student, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Jelena Đekić, PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Milica Ljubenović, PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia
- Milica Jovanović, Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš
- Ružica Petrović, Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš
- Mileva Samrdžić Petrović, PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade
- Marko Orešković, PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade
- Jelena Marić, PhD, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade
- Ksenija Lalović, PhD, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade
- Bojana Pjanović, PhD, Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade
- Branko Protić, Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade